Monday, February 7, 2011

What makes Miso Soup a Medicinal food?

Miso soup is considered a Medicinal food because Miso is fermented. Miso is typically made from soy beans,barley, or other beans. My favorite brand is the South River Miso Co's aduki bean miso. You can find out more about the company and where to purchase their product on their web site.
The beans are fermented with a bacterial culture called koji. This process breaks down the beans and makes them highly digestible, as well as inoculating them with beneficial bacteria. This makes the miso paste great for your digestion by renewing your intestinal flora with positive and beneficial bacteria. The more beneficial bacteria you have lining your intestinal tract, the greater immunity you will possess and the more regular your elimination will be. These are both incredibly important for your overall health because the more regular your elimination, the better your body is able to rid itself of toxins, and the better your body will be at fighting illness.
Approximately 70-80% of your immune system lies along the intestinal tract. In a healthy individual, positive bacteria line the mucosa and protect it from pathogenic ones invading the blood stream. When the lining of the small intestine is compromised due to chronic antibiotic use, the birth control pill, poorly managed stress, or  diets high in processed foods and sugar, the good bacteria die and yeasts and what ever comes along is allowed to populate it.This sets up an environment that will lead to digestive problems and allergies, both food and seasonal. In children causes for unbalanced flora could be C-section birth, bottle feeding and early weening to solid foods.Many of the symptoms include: frequent colds and ear infections, runny noses or sinus conditions, seasonal allergies, colic or early waking/poor sleeping habits, and unfortunatly ADHD or other behavioral conditions. In adults abdominal gas, bloating, loose stools or constipation are some of the symptoms that may be present when the bacteria is out of balance.
Supplementing your diet daily with one of the many fermented food products is one way to ensure a healthy digesting system. I will post more recipes on how to make your OWN fermented foods in the coming days.
Miso soup also contains seaweed and mushrooms.  Seaweed is incredibly nutritious and very helpful for balancing the thyroid gland because is high in iodine. It is also very moisturizing and cooling to the body. Mushrooms are also immune simulators and have anti-cancer fighting properties. Maitake mushrooms are my all time favorite and have a wonderful flavor and texture.

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