Sunday, June 12, 2011

Green foods, Qi and Consciousness... is there a connection?

The energetics of foods have been popularized in Chinese medicine for centuries, but only recently has there been some momentum towards shifting consciousness by eating certain foods in the popular culture of the United States. Spiritual nutrition is a term that Dr. Gabriel Cosens has coined to describe using foods and their energetic vibration to atune our bodies and minds with our spiritual path towards consciousness. Qi or life force runs through everything, including foods. Greens, especially algae, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli,cabbage, brussel sprouts) Kale and collard greens, and sea weeds are especially nutrient dense and full of good Qi. By this I mean that their energy is clean, detoxifying and highly nourishing. When these foods are eaten, especially if they are organic and local, their good clean and naturally detoxifying energy infuses into our bodies and helps us reach our spiritual goals.
For example, Blue Green algae, chlorella and spirulina are stars when it comes to allowing us to connect with or higher purpose. They are incredibly high in chlorophyll, essential amino-acid,low in fat and high in fiber and minerals. Chlorella has been on this planet for get this... 2 billion years!Chloros (green) ella (small) in Greek may be small is size, but it packs a punch when it comes to the amount of amazing energy inside. It was the first life form to have a true nucleus(1) It is 50% protein,20% fat and 20% carbohydrate and jam packed with trace minerals-B vitamins, caratenoids,Vit. C, magnesium, lutein and flavenoids which are shown to have powerful anti oxident abilities. This plant can pull toxins, especially toxic heavy metals from the body to be safely removed by the colon while supporting the liver in the detoxifying process.
How do these nutrient and detoxifying foods us connect with our higher consciousness? In Feng Shui there is an idea that you have to clear out the old to allow for the new.Have you ever noticed how cleaning out old clothes or your closet allows for a fresh stream of creativity and a renewed sense of energy? It is the same with the human body. We must cleanse out the old stored toxins in fat cells as well as our toxic thoughts to purify our always present connection with the divine.
There are now many ways to incorporate these foods into our ever day diet. Health food stores sell many different products from the real deal vegetables to powders to add to green smoothies, fresh frozen liquids, and pills. The best way to get your daily dose in in my opinion are green smoothies with fresh frozen live Blue Green algae with fruits and vegetables.
Next post will be my favorite Green Smoothie Recipe!
Enjoy and make room for a clean connection to the divine with your GREENS!!!

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